Parents |
activist Weight: 0.71 ,
expertWeight: 0.69 ,
specialistWeight: 0.66 ,
defendantWeight: 0.66
Siblings |
investigator Weight: 0.65 ,
solicitorWeight: 0.58 ,
arbitratorWeight: 0.54 ,
fisherWeight: 0.54 ,
judgeWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be pay to know about law | 1.00 |
decide law | 0.85 |
teach what they know | 0.82 |
need law degree | 0.80 |
be pay for consult | 0.77 |
tell lot | 0.76 |
rule over case | 0.76 |
be used to sue person | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |