Parents |
new mexico Weight: 0.68 ,
countryWeight: 0.63 ,
sierra nevadaWeight: 0.59 ,
stateWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
las vegas Weight: 0.72 ,
californiaWeight: 0.37 ,
coloradoWeight: 0.37 ,
mexico cityWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
is blue state | 1.00 |
has color blue | 0.88 |
be predicted blue state | 0.81 |
has state state | 0.80 |
be called silver state | 0.79 |
be called sagebush state | 0.79 |
be called state | 0.79 |
is silver state | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |