Parents |
device Weight: 0.56 ,
electric motorWeight: 0.51 ,
gameWeight: 0.50 ,
applicationWeight: 0.50
Siblings |
caliper Weight: 0.63 ,
statorWeight: 0.55 ,
flagellumWeight: 0.41 ,
valveWeight: 0.33 ,
nozzleWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be put on wrong on 2000 buick lasabre | 1.00 |
be put on 2000 buick lasabre | 0.93 |
be put on wrong | 0.91 |
be put | 0.78 |
be on car | 0.77 |
go bad | 0.77 |
get on drivers side 2000 chevy blazer | 0.76 |
be on car thick | 0.75 |
get stuck | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |