Parents |
company Weight: 0.55 ,
publisherWeight: 0.49 ,
clientWeight: 0.49 ,
systemWeight: 0.47 ,
sonyWeight: 0.46
Siblings |
nintendo Weight: 0.33 ,
toshibaWeight: 0.33 ,
mitsubishiWeight: 0.32 ,
motorolaWeight: 0.32 ,
philipsWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be better than nintendo switch | 1.00 |
is nintendo switch | 0.97 |
be better than nintendo | 0.95 |
be much more superior to nintendo | 0.91 |
be part of nintendo | 0.89 |
is nintendo | 0.88 |
be better than switch | 0.85 |
gain market share from nintendo | 0.81 |
be part of sony | 0.80 |
is switch | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |