Parents |
news article Weight: 0.86 ,
reportWeight: 0.73 ,
itemWeight: 0.66 ,
storyWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
obituary Weight: 0.78 ,
manuscriptWeight: 0.65 ,
diaryWeight: 0.63 ,
paragraphWeight: 0.63 ,
fountain penWeight: 0.62
Property | Similarity |
be more popular than ones | 1.00 |
be more popular than ones made | 0.97 |
be less rare than ones | 0.89 |
have more expensive than in 1933 today | 0.88 |
be less rare than common ones | 0.87 |
be more popular than ones made of metals | 0.87 |
get more expensive | 0.85 |
were popular in 1800s | 0.81 |
be much more costly today | 0.81 |
be cheaper online than than store | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |