Parents |
tiger Weight: 0.79 ,
speciesWeight: 0.65 ,
animalWeight: 0.58 ,
showWeight: 0.45
Siblings |
rhino Weight: 0.38 ,
elephantWeight: 0.38 ,
tiger sharkWeight: 0.37 ,
cougarWeight: 0.37 ,
monkeyWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
be on species list | 1.00 |
be on endangered species list | 0.97 |
is species | 0.88 |
is endangered species | 0.87 |
be different to other tiger species | 0.81 |
be different to tiger species | 0.80 |
is endangered animals | 0.79 |
be endangered | 0.79 |
is endangered | 0.78 |
become endangered | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |