Parents |
home Weight: 0.61 ,
styleWeight: 0.53 ,
accommodationWeight: 0.52 ,
placeWeight: 0.51
Siblings |
cottage Weight: 0.35 ,
home depotWeight: 0.34 ,
townhouseWeight: 0.34 ,
hotel roomWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be more expensive than houses | 1.00 |
is more expensive | 0.89 |
be colder than houses | 0.85 |
is expensive | 0.83 |
makes homes | 0.79 |
cost more | 0.78 |
be in than others | 0.78 |
is cheaper | 0.78 |
be affected by fungi mold more than old homes | 0.77 |
is more likely | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |