Parents |
tax Weight: 0.64 ,
determinantWeight: 0.61 ,
allowanceWeight: 0.61 ,
business activityWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
income tax Weight: 0.80 ,
operating expenseWeight: 0.70 ,
unemploymentWeight: 0.66 ,
povertyWeight: 0.62
Property | Similarity |
be taxed at lower rate | 1.00 |
be taxed | 0.90 |
is taxed | 0.90 |
be exempt from tax | 0.80 |
be verified for subsidized rates | 0.79 |
be lower than gross | 0.79 |
is tax | 0.77 |
tax | 0.77 |
be called fixed income | 0.76 |
be determined for 2008 tax rebates | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |