Parents |
animal Weight: 0.56 ,
wildlifeWeight: 0.50 ,
birdWeight: 0.49 ,
rodentWeight: 0.49 ,
companyWeight: 0.48
Siblings |
groundhog Weight: 0.60 ,
grizzly bearWeight: 0.35 ,
cougarWeight: 0.35 ,
coyoteWeight: 0.34 ,
beaverWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be at pet zoo | 1.00 |
be at zoo | 0.93 |
zoo | 0.93 |
be find in zoo | 0.91 |
wants to go to zoo | 0.90 |
be pet | 0.90 |
be used to keep in zoo | 0.89 |
be used to pet | 0.89 |
be at pet store | 0.88 |
be person pet | 0.87 |
Cues |
Evidence |