Parents |
amusement park Weight: 0.65 ,
objectWeight: 0.65 ,
attractionWeight: 0.62 ,
structureWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
wildcat Weight: 0.50 ,
metal rodWeight: 0.34 ,
carouselWeight: 0.34 ,
coneWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
be build for amusement and fun | 1.00 |
be build in amusement park | 0.93 |
be find at amusement park | 0.90 |
be find in amusement park | 0.90 |
has many amusement | 0.89 |
be build for person to have fun | 0.83 |
be fun and excite | 0.78 |
be thrill to ride on | 0.77 |
be scary but fun | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |