Parents |
drink Weight: 0.64 ,
beverageWeight: 0.64 ,
alcoholic beverageWeight: 0.64 ,
indulgenceWeight: 0.63
Siblings |
red wine Weight: 0.79 ,
madeiraWeight: 0.69 ,
wine cellarWeight: 0.67 ,
vermouthWeight: 0.64 ,
grape juiceWeight: 0.64
Property | Similarity |
has color white | 1.00 |
has color blue | 0.94 |
has color red | 0.93 |
has color yellow | 0.93 |
has color orange | 0.90 |
be called white | 0.87 |
is purple | 0.81 |
be better than white | 0.80 |
is different colors | 0.79 |
be more popular than white | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |