Parents |
location Weight: 0.67 ,
playgroundWeight: 0.67 ,
siteWeight: 0.66 ,
attractionWeight: 0.66 ,
propertyWeight: 0.63
Siblings |
central park Weight: 0.89 ,
yellowstone national parkWeight: 0.80 ,
death valleyWeight: 0.68 ,
joshua treeWeight: 0.67 ,
walt disney worldWeight: 0.63
Property | Similarity |
be in city help | 1.00 |
be important to people of city | 0.87 |
be important to people of new city | 0.86 |
help community | 0.82 |
cool city | 0.81 |
have necessary in big cities system | 0.79 |
help growth of cities | 0.78 |
help communities | 0.78 |
be important in cities | 0.78 |
be important to people of new york city | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |