Parents |
field goal Weight: 0.65 ,
stepWeight: 0.61 ,
pointWeight: 0.61 ,
aspectWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
target Weight: 0.62 ,
survivalWeight: 0.59 ,
retributionWeight: 0.59 ,
fitnessWeight: 0.58 ,
hat trickWeight: 0.54
Property | Similarity |
set important for students | 1.00 |
be important for students | 0.94 |
set important for teachers | 0.91 |
set important in counselling | 0.85 |
set important for athletes | 0.84 |
set important for employees | 0.83 |
set important for business | 0.83 |
set important in business | 0.82 |
be set at work | 0.80 |
set good | 0.80 |
Cues |
Evidence |